Clean Club Calgary

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How to Keep Your New Year’s Resolution Past January

We made it through the first month of 2020! Can you believe it? I don’t know about you, but I always find that by January 31st, even if I had the best of intentions with my New Year’s Resolutions, they tend to tumble by the wayside. In fact, up to 80% of all New Year’s Resolutions are abandoned by the end of January! Why does this happen and what can we do about it?

Well, January is often a time when people say “yes” to new, to be a “better” version of themselves, and commit to goals that require a change in their habits. Unfortunately, as they are saying “yes” to these new goals, they are then saying “no” to something else…and that something is often cleaning the home. This is okay and completely normal. You should be able to say yes to the things you want. Realize that when you do, something else is left behind.  

In my experience with clients, they’ve shared that it’s the cleaning that allows them to stay committed to their goals. I was just as shocked as you! What in the world does residential cleaning have to do with staying on top of their resolutions?

In one word – TIME.

In this month’s post, we break down some of the more common resolutions people commit to in January and why cleaning can either be the thing that helps you keep – or break – your commitment to your resolution.



If losing weight is your resolution, you are not alone. Weight loss is one of the most popular resolutions people set in January. However, this resolution is a commitment as it typically involves changing habits as you invest in your health. Often, it also means focusing on working out in your “free time” rather than on cleaning your house. Investing in a cleaner once a month to support you in being active removes the stress that you must clean OR work out. Rather, you can focus on working out without feeling guilty for not vacuuming.


Spending quality time with the family is a big resolution for people. Do you really want to spend this time cleaning? While I absolutely agree that children should learn to be tidy and clean their rooms – responsibility is always a good thing – why don’t you treat yourself to the type of time you want with your family. By investing in cleaning (even if you do not include the kids’ rooms and bathrooms), you give yourself time to enjoy with your kids or significant other doing the things you want to do together. Of course, some families love cleaning together and this is how they spend more time with each other. If this is your family, awesome! Have any fun family cleaning activities you’d like to share for other families looking to clean together?


Stop stressing while you are enjoying your travels about the “mess” that awaits you at home. Get the most out of your travel resolution by investing in cleaning while you’re away. This way, you can run out the door (don’t forget to lock it) and enjoy your trip while professional cleaners come in and clean while you’re travelling the world. When you are back home, you simply get to reflect on your trip’s memories while getting rid of your jet lag rather than staring at the chores that must be completed.


Hobbies are a fantastic opportunity to stretch your interests, improve your mental health, and help you cope with stress. However, hobbies take time away from things we feel we “must” do, in order to be a responsible adult, such as clean our homes. If you are starting a new hobby, wouldn’t you rather spend your time learning, planning, and then doing the hobby rather than worrying about whether the room you’re in is a mess? Investing in cleaning directly supports you in growing your hobby by giving you the time to actually enjoy being engaged with it.   


You are ready to level up and step into the next version of you. Whether you are returning to school full time or taking continuing education courses, education requires a commitment and focus. In working with a professional cleaning company, you’ll be able to focus on your schooling requirements and not whether you have to scrub your toilets. Worrying about if your home is clean is irrelevant when you are focused on achieving your education goals.


I am an entrepreneur who runs a full-time company and love what I do. The last thing I want to do when I get home is clean…and I run a cleaning business! Trust me, I understand that building a company takes a lot of your time and you may not have a day off for weeks. Use your energy to grow your company and focus where you need to most. Stop being stressed out coming home in the wee hours of night to a messy home. In working with a cleaning company, you give yourself the mental space needed to focus on your business (and other priorities, such as your family) and relax when you need to most.  

Ultimately, resolutions succeed when you put clear boundaries and understand why this resolution is important to you. Setting up systems, processes, and commitments to your resolution means that you are more likely to stick with it in order to achieve it.

Remember, the year is 365 days (366 in 2020). Building new habits to achieve your resolutions takes more than four weeks, so if you’ve “fallen off the bandwagon” for your resolution, don’t worry! There is still plenty of time to restart and achieve your goal. It takes a clear understanding of why your resolution is important to you and then developing the right steps and supports to help you get there (and remove the distractions that make you say, “tomorrow”).

Eager to share your resolution and why it’s important that you reach it? Tell us how residential cleaning services may be the answer to helping you achieve your goal? Connect with me today – I’m only a phone call away.