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How to Clean Your Drawers to Clear Your Mind

As the global pandemic causes families to stay indoors, it’s a crucial time to reset your organizational habits. Create a routine that helps you tackle messy drawers, cluttered surfaces, and crowded closets to reduce feelings of anxiety during an already stressful time. Creating the tidiest drawers possible is more important than you think.

If you don’t know where to begin, start small. You’re not going to have an immaculate home overnight. Have you figured out the best organizational method yet? Curious about the secrets of people with super organized drawers? Below, take a look at 11 easy habits you can adopt to create a more orderly living space: 

1. Empty Everything

You might be wary of emptying all your items from your drawers for fear of making even more of a mess, but it has to be done. Clearing your drawers out all at once (and thoroughly wiping them down) is the #1 recommended way to start the tidying process.

2. Categorize and Label Your Drawers

There’s no room for confusion when there’s a label for everything. Feel free to get fancy and decorative when creating your labels. Then, label your drawers by season, category, or whatever you prefer. 

3. Don’t Procrastinate on Folding Clothes

Folding is easy when you know the items have a place to go, and it’s best to knock it out right away. If you procrastinate on folding, it’ll probably never get done (or at least it won’t get done neatly.) Try to place folded items in a way that allows you to see at a glance everything you have. 

4. Don’t Wait to Empty Your Laundry Basket 

Leaving your laundry baskets of unfolded clothes is never a good idea. When you revisit the task, you might even mix up which clothes are clean and dirty.It’s worth it to invest that extra time to empty and fold your freshly cleaned items.

5. Clear Off Your Dresser Top

Are there miscellaneous items crowding the top of your dresser? Items tend to easily collect on open surfaces, so challenge yourself to keep your dresser top empty. It will contribute to an overall more organized look.

6. Make Your Bed Every Morning

What does a neatly made bed have to do with organized drawers? Your bed is the focal point of the entire bedroom. It affects the vibe of the whole space. You won’t want to organize anything else if it’s a mess! 

7. Color Categorize Your Closet

Prioritize categorizing your closet by color so it’s easier to find items of your wardrobe. You’ll be able to put together outfits more easily, and you’ll be more motivated to organize your drawers, too.

8. Invest in Nice Linen Storage

Linen storage is often forgotten. Invest in beautiful wicker baskets or other aesthetically pleasing storage containers for storing bedding, blankets, towels, etc. It makes a huge difference.

9. Follow the 6 Month Rule

Unless you’re using something or wearing a piece of clothing all the time, you should probably toss it after 6 months. The 6 month rule of purging is liberating and makes space for new items.

10. Give Yourself One Junk Drawer

Allowing yourself one junk drawer will help you maintain your sanity. Nobody's perfect. Sometimes you feel like you need a home for the miscellaneous items you can’t categorize. Just be sure to go through and toss unnecessary items from this drawer every few months.

11. Clean and Organize Your Room Weekly

We shouldn’t underestimate the power of organized drawers to clear our minds and set us up for success in other areas of our lives. Realistically, thoroughly tidying your bedroom once a week is a good goal. Make it fun, and make a routine out of it. Create an easy checklist to follow every time.

Organizing your home is a therapeutic process that gives you the chance to declutter your living space and your mind. Check out the full visual below that illustrates these habits you can adopt to create a better home this Spring.