Fall is here! Even with the crunchy leaves that find their way into carpets, making vacuuming trickier, this has always been a fun time of year. The time of year where new routines start up, kids go back to school, extracurricular activities are all a tizzy, and the lazy days of summer are but a mere memory.
In all this busy-ness of the season, we at Clean Club Calgary keep hearing that cleaning falls to the end of the family to-do list. Between work, after-school/work activities, grocery shopping, sleeping, and enjoying your “play” time, fitting snippets of cleaning here and there leaves you constantly burnt out, feeling less refreshed than you could be. Worse, there are often hints of shame, guilt, even embarrassment that you are not able to keep up with everything, which includes a “well-cleaned home.”
Phew – that’s okay. That’s what working with a residential cleaning company helps you with. Yes, we do the cleaning but also, we remove those feelings of overwhelm and “never-done” so you can enjoy your day-to-day living.
It’s amazing talking with clients about why they work with us. More specifically, it’s learning what our cleaning does for them. From the feedback we’ve received, cleaning helps in many ways. Here are the five most common ones we’ve heard.
Cleaning allows me to have more mental space for what’s important to me
“I don’t have time or energy to do clean”, “I hate cleaning because I’m not good at it” “I just hate cleaning…period.”
Whatever the reason you’re not cleaning is not important. What’s important is how much space these thoughts of “not cleaning” take up in your mind. Work with a cleaning routine and/or professional cleaner that allows you to forget about the cleaning. All you need to know is when the cleaner will be there.
Cleaning allows me to tap into my inner joy
Mental space opened nice and wide, time is given back, you can now enjoy the things that need to be done rather than worrying about cleaning during your precious time.
No longer do you have to find snippets of time to clean, leaving you always holding the broom in one hand and a cleaning cloth in the other, a professional cleaner can get all the things done in a few hours (or over scheduled sessions, request dependent). Because of this, you get to enjoy those snippets of time you used for cleaning on things that light your heart a bit more. Whether it’s time with the family, getting outdoors, painting, whatever! It’s just not spent with a toilet brush.
Cleaning allows me to make better decisions
So many of our clients are still working from home. I’ve heard over and over again that if it weren’t for the knowledge that we were coming to clean, our clients would not be able to focus on their work.
The odd dust bunny floating by. Knowing the toilet needs to be cleaned. Seeing unmopped floors as you make your way to your “office space.” These are all tiny distractions that sit in your subconscious. When you know all these “little things” will be taken care of, you can bring more focus to your work because you do not have to constantly remind yourself to clean your space. With this, you free your mind up from visual stimuli that pulls your focus, allowing you to turn your attention and take action on the things that truly matter to you.
Cleaning allows me to enjoy my partner more
Cleaning is a pain point for a lot of couples. We hear this all the time. Plus, many of us Clean Club Calgary team members have there ourselves. You both want the cleaning done but expect the other to do it. Investing in a cleaner removes these expectations and has made some happier marriages because cleaning was removed from the equation.
Who knew a vacuum had that much power?
Cleaning allows me to focus on what really matters
There are a lot of misconceptions about having a residential cleaning service out there: they’re expensive, people who use them are “hoity-toity,” using one makes me “less of a homeowner” because I can’t keep it clean, professional cleaning is a luxury item, etc. etc. etc. Yep, a lot of MIS-conceptions.
The truth is – we were never meant to be able to do everything – have a career, raise a family, support a household (chores, healthy meals, perfection), volunteer, do extracurriculars, and all the things we’re “supposed” to be able to do. Yet, humans survive in communities. This means that by recognizing how a cleaning service can support you in doing what really matters to you, you can enjoy working with one. Remove the stigma or belief that you have around a cleaner and discover what it’s like to say yes to Saturday outings just for fun or working without the fear of the ever-growing number of dust bunnies.
As we make our way through fall and into our yearly routine again, take the time to prioritize what’s really important that you do. The rest, free up your mental space. Perhaps a cleaning quote is the first place to start? Connect today to request.