10 Cleaning Myths to Scrub Away in 2020

The world of cleaning is full of different techniques, tricks, and tips to help you clean absolutely anything! From how to properly clean a hardwood floor, to removing red wine stains from white carpet, to brightening your teeth, just google “how to clean X” and your search engine shares all the hints you could possibly use. However, not all information online is the truth! I know – I was just as shocked as you. So, this month, we’re here to debunk a number of these “helpful cleaning hints,” busting the myths of the past decade so you can start your 2020 feeling confident in your kind of clean.


Myth 1: Vinegar is truly the best cleaning agent

Vinegar is absolutely a fantastic cleaner to use for removing hard water stains and for disinfecting surfaces. However, it is acidic and will damage any natural stones you have, including floor tiles, counter backsplashes, and your jewelry.  

Myth 2: String mops give the cleanest floors

Please do not take this the wrong way, but YUCK! Think about it, how many times have you washed and disinfected a string mop after using it. Unless you take the time to properly soak it, cleanse it, and dry it, this mop remains a home for germs, grime, and other dirty critters.

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In fact, I once hired a cleaning company to clean my house and they used a mop where they had stapled the string portion onto the handle. There is no way this mop was clean or sanitized. I was appalled. So, when I started Clean Club Calgary, I knew we were never going to do this as it goes directly against our promise of providing a quality clean. Rather, we use mops with removable and replaceable pads to make sure we can clean and sanitize them properly before and after each use. This way our clients get a truly clean floor.


Myth 3: Bleach cleans everything

While bleach lightens stains, making things look cleaner, it doesn’t actually remove any soil. However, it does kill bacteria meaning that bleach is actually better as a sanitizer than a cleaner. Next time you go to reach for the bleach, ask yourself if you need to truly clean, or merely sanitize with sparkle.


Myth 4: Central vacuums are the worst for sucking power

 We know vacuums at Clean Club Calgary and, without a doubt, the best ones we work with are central vacuums. When they are properly cared for, they have a lot better sucking power than a push vacuum. Yes, push vacuums are good, but, in our experience, they simply do not provide the same quality clean as a central vacuum.

If you have a central vacuum and are looking to connect with a professional vacuum specialist to care for it, we highly recommend the folks over at A Vacuum Store and Service.


Myth 5: Newspaper is unsurpassed as a glass cleaner

Newspaper absolutely worked 30+years ago when materials were not as advanced. Now, we use a squeegee and/or microfibre cloths that provide a better clean, are more environmentally friendly, and are more sanitary when properly cared for.

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Personally, to get our clients glasses super shiny, we use a bit of dish soap in water and give the glass a solid wash.  Then, polish them up with our glass cloths for an extra sparkle. Nothing fancy, just pure clean. 


Myth 6: Kitchen sponges can be used again and again and again 

Kitchen sponges are really germs in action and not the friendly cleaning device you think they are. In fact, research shows that there are more active bacteria contained in your kitchen sponge than anywhere else in your house, including your toilet! This same research shows that sponges can contain pathogenic bacteria, which can lead to E. coli and salmonella.

Don’t worry! Sponges still have their place and we use them all the time at Clean Club Calgary. Here are a few tips so you can keep using your favourite sponges:

  • Clean your sponges! Kill those spongey bacteria by either putting your sponge in the dishwasher with a heated dry cycle or pop it in the microwave on high for one minute. Make sure the sponge is damp when you do this.

  • Sponges do not last forever. Throw them out and replace them every one to two weeks to ensure you’re not building a long-term home for bacteria.

  • Use your sponge wisely. When working with raw juices from meat or poultry, we recommend using a paper towel that can be disposed of. If all you have is a sponge, throw it out after using it with raw meat.


Myth 7: There’s nothing quite as good as handwashing dishes

Sometimes you do have handwash your dishes. Plus, it can be a super fun, relaxing, and social activity if done as a family. However, it is not always better than using a dishwasher. Of course, a dishwasher takes more time from beginning to end, but it does a better job simply because of the degree the water temp gets to so that it properly sanitizes the dishes (~140°F). To handwash at that temperature to properly kill off bacteria would hurt your hand (even if wearing your trusty rubber gloves).


Myth 8: Stainless steel is not easy to clean

Stainless steel can be tricky to clean, particularly since they attract pesky fingerprints. To counter this, at Clean Club Calgary we treat stainless steel the same way we do glass – the other fingerprint attracting material – using only a damp, soapy microfibre cloth to wash it. Then we dry wipe it and polish with our glass cloth. We’ve found that most stainless cleaners are oily and when applied make it next to impossible to remove those finger marks. With our method, prints and other marks do not stick! Easy cleaning without the fancy tricks.


Myth 9:  It is only clean if it smells good

 Smells play tricks on our senses and tend to create the illusion of “cleaner.” Using the same product, whether scented and unscented, will clean equally well. So why do we assume that the one that smells nice is clean? The smells created come from either chemicals or natural oils in the product you’re using. It is not an indication of cleanliness, but of tantalizing your senses and memories. If you want to know if something is truly clean – nice smelling or not – do the touch test. If it looks and feels clean, chances are you have removed dirt and scum from the surface.


 Myth 10: More cleaning is always better

More cleanser, more soap, more spray – just because you’re adding more does not mean you’ll be getting a better clean. When you add more, you have a higher chance of leaving a sticky film behind that attracts, you got it, even more dirt! A bit counterproductive. All you need is a little elbow grease, the right amount – and type – of cleaning product, and you’ll achieve the quality clean that you deserve. Emptying a soap bottle to ensure there’s ALL THE FOAM will not. Fun, yes. Clean…not so much.


And with that, we encourage you to throw these myths away with the dishwater! Is there a cleaning myth you’ve debunked? Share it with us today!