It’s time. You know it, your family knows it, even your family’s goldfish knows it. It’s time to hire a professional cleaning service to support you in living the quality of life you want and deserve. One that does not contain doing all the house chores during your “free time.”
Yet, you feel ashamed or guilty about hiring someone to clean your home. “It’s my home. I should be able to stay on top of cleaning it!” floats through your mind every time you think about hiring a cleaner.
Here’s the thing, life is too short to be completing chores on the weekend, to be feeling embarrassed to admit you need help/support, to do something that you truly have zero energy or mind space for. As our lives continue to become ever more “busy,” hiring a professional cleaning service is there to enhance your life so you can simply enjoy it.
What is Shame?
Shame often feels that we are falling short of our own standards. That somehow, we are “less than.” As the Greek philosopher, Plutarch highlighted, shame is “one of the greatest shaking cracks that our soul can receive.”
In my opinion, shame has no place when it comes to hiring a cleaner. Simply put, you did not fail in life because you hired a cleaning service. You are not “less than.” In reality, you are someone who understands our human limitations because we have a finite amount of time in the day and you want to spend it doing things that light you up. If it’s not cleaning…then why are you doing it?
There are a few things to help reduce or even completely remove this feeling so you can happily work with your cleaner and create the home that you get to simply relax in. No shame needed.
You Keep Your Pride
A good residential cleaner will listen to how you want your home cared for. You take pride in your home and have it organized based on what works for you. Cleaners are not there to disrupt this, but to add to your pride in your home. A professional cleaner listens to what you want done, along with how, and that’s what they do. With a little extra sparkle, of course.
You Have Only So Much Energy
One of the most googled phrases in 2021 was, “why do I feel so tired?” There are many reasons as to why you, yourself, are tired. Even if you have the physical capacity to clean, your mind may simply be exhausted and you just cannot motivate yourself to pick up that duster or push that vacuum. After all, Zoom fatigue is very real.
Hiring a cleaning company helps you get through these low energy phases so you can support your mind, body, and yes, your soul. You may be able to handle “everything,” but one day, you won’t. Admitting that you need a bit of support makes you human. It’s okay to admit this. Super humans just don’t exist. To help with conserving your precious energy, read about how to hire a cleaning company here.
You’re Paying for a Service
Finally, remember you are not having someone come into your home and clean it for free. You are paying for a service – just like you do with your hairstylist, your car mechanic, even your carpet cleaner! Do you feel shame after paying them? I’m going out on a limb, but my guess is no. You feel relief, fresh, happy. It’s the same with a cleaning company. Plus – professional cleaners are properly trained on how to clean. It is a professional career, not a fallback.
Of course, knowing your cleaning budget, along with the type of cleaning service you want helps bring clarity to why and how to hire the cleaning company that’s right for you. Plus, if you want your kids to learn how to clean, you can always have them clean their rooms and bathroom. Clean Club Calgary has many clients who hire us, only to say, “please leave our kids’ rooms to them.” It’s their way of teaching responsibility to their children, while giving themselves time in their day to do the things that matter most, such as spending time with their family, cooking dinner, or even focusing on growing their own business (as we work with a number of business owners).
What’s key here is that if the cleaner does not meet your expectations, that’s a business conversation to have. You are paying for a service and deserve to have your service expectations met.
We’ve been taught that we have to complete all “must dos” in order to be a productive and contributing member of society. The truth is, all that we “must do” is know what our strengths and values are. Give yourself the gift of self kindness and time – YOUR TIME – to do the things that truly matter. Work with a cleaning company who cleans so you don’t have to. No shame needed.
Connect to learn more about how a cleaning company can support you in living the quality life you want.