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Life Hacks for How to Remove Pesky Household Stains

No one is immune – stains from household products happen in every single household. We all have felt our heart stop when we notice a bit of coffee spilt on our couch or that drop of red wine fall onto our carpet.

The good news is that with the proper techniques and products, you can effectively remove or minimize them. No one will be the wiser!

Before we get into the common stain types and their hacks, we have three general tips for virtually every stain you come across.

  1. Act quickly. Stains are not like dishes… they do not need to soak before you act! The sooner you address a stain the easier it is to remove it.

  2. Blot, blot, blot. Do not rub the stain. Gently blot it with a clean cloth or paper towel to avoid spreading it further.

  3. Test first. Always test any stain removal method – even something simple like club soda – on an inconspicuous area to ensure it doesn’t damage the fabric.

Okay, now that we’ve covered that, here are some of the most common stain types and cleaning hacks to remove them.


Coffee and/or Tea Stains

On clothing:

  1. Immediately blot the stain with a cloth dipped in cold water.

  2. Mix a solution of equal parts vinegar and water and gently dab the stain, then rinse.

  3. Blot until the stain is gone.

On mugs:

  1. Sprinkle inside with baking soda and let sit for 10 minutes.

  2. Wash with soap and water.


Grease and/or Oil Stains

  1. Place an absorbent material, such as cornstarch or baby powder, on the stain to soak up excess oil.

  2. Let it sit for at least 30 minutes, then brush it off.

  3. Next, apply dish soap directly to the stain.

  4. Let it sit for another 10 minutes, then launder on the warmest water level allowed for the fabric.


Ink Stains

  1. Place the stained fabric on a clean paper towel.

  2. Blot the stain with rubbing alcohol, hairspray, or hand sanitizer until it transfers to the paper towel.

  3. Rinse, then launder.


Red Wine Stains

  1. Blot the stain gently with a cloth.

  2. Next, sprinkle salt on it to absorb excess wine.

  3. Mix approximately three parts hydrogen peroxide to one part dish soap and apply to the stain.

  4. Let this sit for 20-60 minutes.

  5. Blot the stain again, then rinse in hot water.

  6. Once flushed out, launder as per the item’s label.


Blood Stains

  1. Rinse the stain with cold water.

  2. Apply a solution of one part vinegar to two parts water to help lift the stain from the fabric.

  3. Let this sit for 10-20 minutes before you blot the stain.

  4. Rinse again, then launder.


Grass Stains

  1. Apply a mixture of equal parts vinegar and water to the stain.

  2. Let this sit for 30 minutes.

  3. Scrub the material gently with an old toothbrush.

  4. Launder post scrubbing.


Chocolate Stains

  1. Suck all the excess chocolate that you can! Chocolate should never go to waste! Just kidding… don’t do this.

  2. First, scrape off the excess chocolate using the edge of a spoon.

  3. Next, apply dish soap mixed with water directly onto the stain.

  4. Blot until the stain dissipates.

  5. Rinse the area, then launder.


Tomato Sauce Stains

  1. Start by rinsing the stain with cold water.

  2. Apply a mixture of dish soap and hydrogen peroxide.

  3. Blot the stain, then rinse with water.

  4. Finally, put the item through the washing machine.


Sweat Stains

  1. Soak the item in a solution of white vinegar and water.

  2. Remove the item, then apply a paste of baking soda, salt, and hydrogen peroxide to the affected area.

  3. Allow the mixture to rest for thirty minutes.

  4. When ready, scrub the stain with a toothbrush.

  5. Rinse in cold or lukewarm water.

  6. Wash on your regular cycle.


Makeup Stains

  1. If clumped, remove as much as you can with the corner of a spoon.

  2. Apply dish soap directly to the stain.

  3. Gently blot the affected area.

  4. Rinse with cold or lukewarm water.

  5. Wash the item according to its instructions.


Candle Wax Stains

If the candle wax stain is not on the floor, do the following steps on an ironing board.

  1. Harden the wax with an ice cube.

  2. Use a dull knife or corner of a spoon to remove as much wax as possible.

  3. Place a brown paper bag or paper towel over the wax.

  4. Use a warm iron to melt any residual wax.

  5. Blot the remaining stain with rubbing alcohol.

  6. Rinse with warm water.


Rust Stains

  1. Make a paste using lemon juice and salt.

  2. Apply the paste to the stain.

  3. Let it sit for a few hours, then rinse with water.

  4. Finally, launder the item as per its washing instructions.


Before you dive in all eager to remove your stains, remember that results may vary based on the type of fabric and the severity of the stain. Always take the time to check care labels and follow those garment-specific instructions. If a stain is particularly stubborn or if you’re concerned about damaging the fabric, consider seeking professional help, such as from a dry cleaner for clothing and blankets or a carpet cleaner for your carpets or area rugs.

 Do you have a stain removal tip you’d like to share? We’d love to hear from you. Send us a note here.
